
Final final post

Hello, classmates, today we have the last post of English four L Well, when I start in the university I didn’t anything about English, so I had that take the subject English one. I can say that I have improve in this two years, at least now I understand the majority of words when I read, and I understand a little of words when I listen to someone talk in English. In English three we begin to make post, I think that the idea of the post is really good, because maybe we don’t improve a lot in grammar or these things, but we lost the fear about write or try to think in English. They are a lot of things that I need improve, grammar, vocabulary, my hearing, among others; but this is my last semester with a subject of English in the curriculum of the career. Maybe some semester I take the subject “Scientific English” for learn more, but this depend of the time and the workload that I had in the future.   Also I had think make a course of English when I finish the career, because ...

The future

Hello, this blog is about the future and the changes: With respect to my career and the changes that I would like to do it: About the curriculum of the career that I study, I think that is okay, so I don´t change anything. About workload the only that I would like to change is that we have a lot of subjects for semester, so I would like to have less subjects for semester, but I need that all the subjects are important, so this cannot change. And about length of study I not want change anything; I think is good the time that last the career. About faculty facilities, I would like to have a casino of the faculty and a library bigger. And about material things, more dictionaries, because once I needed a dictionary and all were occupied. About of technology I think is okay. But I think that we should be gloves and masks in some laboratories. About teaching methods I would change that we could check in what we be mistake in our test for have a feedback about the topics...

I think that...

·          About the Chilean politicians I think that they have a salary very big. At Juny 26 th of this year the newspaper La Tercera in an article says that the gross salary of some politicians are approximately $9.349.851 (minimum net salary approximately 6.602.482), when the minimum wage is of $288.000 and some pension of old age are approximately $200.000. Also I think that there are some Chilean politicians that are very out of place, they say and do things that they don´t should. ·          About buying instead of adopting pets In my opinion the pets don’t should be sell, because they aren’t things. I like think about pets like family members.   Also I have know people that have a really business with sell of dogs, and they don’t look after well the dogs. ·          About recycling I like the idea of recycling, of look after for the...

From cartoons, animes to TV series

Since I was a kid I had enjoyed much watching   TV series, cartoons, anime and films. When I get home from the school I stayed a lot of hours watching TV, in special cartoons and anime. In the actuality I’m an occasional watcher, because I should study or do procedures, and I don’t have much time for watching TV. The TV series that I like the most in this moment is Criminal minds, is an American police drama, I like learning the psychology of psychopaths. Other TV series that I like very much is How I meet your mother, that is a American sitcom. I don’t have a favorite cartoon, some of those that I like are Gravity falls, The amazing world of Gumball and Foster’s home for imaginary friends. I don’t have been watching many animes, only about a 15. My favorite one is Death note, because I like the themes that it touches, like the law and the power, and the how the humans can become corrupted. Others animes that I like are Steins gate and Fullmetal alchemist. With my famil...

Post graduate studies

Hello, classmates, this week the theme is post graduate studies, a difficult theme for me in this moment.  I study chemistry and pharmacy and this career have a lot of different areas of post graduate studies. I would like to study take a post tittle in clinical pharmacy or a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences. Because I would like to have a job in a hospital in clinical pharmacy help people in serious situations; or I would like to work in a laboratory in investigation. I think study in Chile. Never had I thought in go to study outside, but the idea sound good.   I don’t know. I know that in investigation sometimes work with colleagues of other countries, and in other countries. I would like study a part-time course, because I want work in other area of the career, like pharmacy of CESFAM that is interesting for me, or pharmacy of chain for have the experience, and work teach chemistry in a preuniversitario (if I don’t could during the career). The career that I stud...

Future job

Hello, friend, this blog address about the job that I will like to have. I am studying a  major in pharmacy. I love this career, because I could help people of different kinds, I can choose between many positions of job and I like it; and try to improve the health of the people, it is exciting to me. I will prefer to have a job indoors, because I feel good in closed places, with control temperature and sounds, although for me it is not a problem a job outdoor. I would like to have a job in a hospital in clinical pharmacy help people that have accident, although I imagine that it should be very stressful, but the satisfaction of helping I hope it is higher; in a CESFAM in the pharmacy, or lead the patient about his or her medication, I think that it is beautiful to spend time with the patients; or in a laboratory investigating new medicines, I think that this is great, the study and work, and maybe sometime I could discover something to change the world. I am not inter...


Well, yet I don’t know much about materials, instruments or techniques in private important for my career (Chemistry and Pharmacy). This semester I have the subject General biology, and I had learn how use the optical microscope, for this I choose this them. The microscope is a scientific instrument of high precision, this give a increase image about it that you are analyse, this is achieved for optics pieces that it have, called lent. There are different kinds of microscopes, I learn about optical microscope, transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope. In general the microscopes are used for can be watch the invisible structures for the naked eye, but each of this kinds of microscopes have their particular uses: generally the optical microscope is used for watch living organism and see their vital process; the transmission electron microscope is used for watch structures of dead organism, and the scanning electron microscope is used for can be the surfa...