I think that...

  • ·         About the Chilean politicians

I think that they have a salary very big. At Juny 26th of this year the newspaper La Tercera in an article says that the gross salary of some politicians are approximately $9.349.851 (minimum net salary approximately 6.602.482), when the minimum wage is of $288.000 and some pension of old age are approximately $200.000. Also I think that there are some Chilean politicians that are very out of place, they say and do things that they don´t should.
  • ·         About buying instead of adopting pets

In my opinion the pets don’t should be sell, because they aren’t things. I like think about pets like family members.  Also I have know people that have a really business with sell of dogs, and they don’t look after well the dogs.
  • ·         About recycling

I like the idea of recycling, of look after for the earth and the natural resources, but I don’t like that the big enterprises let us all the responsibility. If it don’t made more things of plastic, or if it spent in investigate new materials more friendly with the earth, or it reduced its contamination, all the progresses were faster. And I think that for the big enterprises is a business the theme of the remove the plastic bags.
  • ·         About the legalization of abortion in 3 cases

I agree. I think that is important have the option of aborting, if the woman want or not want aborting is her resolution, but that she have the possibility of choose. The three situations are very difficult like for to put obstacles.


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