Post graduate studies

Hello, classmates, this week the theme is post graduate studies, a difficult theme for me in this moment. 
I study chemistry and pharmacy and this career have a lot of different areas of post graduate studies.
I would like to study take a post tittle in clinical pharmacy or a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences. Because I would like to have a job in a hospital in clinical pharmacy help people in serious situations; or I would like to work in a laboratory in investigation.
I think study in Chile. Never had I thought in go to study outside, but the idea sound good.  I don’t know. I know that in investigation sometimes work with colleagues of other countries, and in other countries.
I would like study a part-time course, because I want work in other area of the career, like pharmacy of CESFAM that is interesting for me, or pharmacy of chain for have the experience, and work teach chemistry in a preuniversitario (if I don’t could during the career).
The career that I study have a lot of different areas, and possibilities, and all interesting that I’m really not sure of what destination I will have.
Also I had thought study other career if I reach finish Chemistry and pharmacy, like psychology, theology, or philosophy.
Wish me luck, friends xD


  1. We are still young, you have a lot of time to decide...: 3

  2. I think clinical pharmacy is interesting


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